Spartan 007 was born on 2nd April 2525 in the city of Lister in the state of Aigburth on Ganymede. At the age of seven, he was abducted by agents of the Office of Naval Intelligence and conscripted into the first class of the SPARTAN-II program.
On October 31st 2552, Murdoc-007's unit was preparing for a classified mission on Birmingham Station (Orbital Defence Platform) when the ONI stealth ship UNSC XXXXXXX tumbled into real space - being carried along in the wake of a freak slipspace anomaly. The anomaly intersected Birmingham Station, creating a semi-stable "bubble" in the space-time continuum on its way back to the 21st century. For the time being Murdoc-007 is trapped in the 21st century. He waits for a way to hopefully return to the year 2552.